Teams Fireside Chat March

Live from Enterprise connect 2025

Join us for March's Teams Fireside Chat on 20th March 2025 at 16:00 GMT / 08:00 PST. This time we'll be hosting LIVE from Enterprise Connect in Orlando, so we will be sharing the latest news and announcements made there.Teams Fireside Chat usually happens on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 16:00 GMT. Each session, we are joined by a guest speaker from Microsoft who shares their insights. In the second half, we open up the floor to discussion and Q&A, making it the perfect opportunity for you to depend your Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 knowledge with the help of the community!Thanks to Landis, this session's sponsor, for your continued support and helping to make events like this possible!

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Teams Fireside Chat live from Enterprise Connect 2025

About Teams Fireside Chat

Teams Fireside Chat is a relaxed monthly online user group for the community to get together and have an informal chat.Every second Thursday of the month at 16:00 UK (aiming to catch the end of the Europe day and the start of the US day), there will be an information-packed 20-minute session from an expert, and then we will open the floor to questions and chat. It could be about the session, but it could also be about anything Microsoft Teams.

Previous Teams Fireside Chat Guests